Instant Profile: AI-Generated LinkedIn Profile

Our AI-Generated LinkedIn Profile DIY online app is the easiest way to build out your profile. Get up and running (and impressing) FAST! Embedded AI text generators, tons of examples and "copy, paste, and tweak" templates, you'll dominate LinkedIn TODAY.

Tell Your Story, Design Your Future, Change Your Life

Level Up Your Career Using AI to Generate Your LinkedIn Profile or Follow Our Instructions and Write It Yourself

My name is Donna Serdula and I wrote the FOR DUMMIES book all about LinkedIn Profile Optimization. 

Call me crazy but I truly believe that optimizing your LinkedIn profile CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I’ve seen it happen. How is this possible? Very few people ever sit down and think about where they’ve been, what they’ve done and what they want for their future. The LinkedIn profile is the catalyst to get intentional about your story and deliberate about your brand, message, goals, and future vision. 

You have control and it all starts with how you define, describe, and detail your story. You create your reality. The stories you tell yourself and others define you and shape how others relate to you. 

The problem is, it’s hard to write about yourself. It’s even harder to know the right thing to say! You don’t want to risk alienating your audience or upsetting colleagues, employers, or your entire network. Instant Profile takes away the guesswork around crafting a strong profile and generates unique, high-level content for you!

Donna Serdula, who wrote the FOR DUMMIES book on LinkedIn Profiles has created an AI-generated LinkedIn Profile program to help everyone stand out on LinkedIn!
AI Text Generators
$ 250
Days of Access

AI Generated Linkedin Profile

Using AI to Create a Linkedin Profile

Since 2009, my team of LinkedIn Profile Writers and I have been writing LinkedIn profiles for executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals from all over this world. Our methodology is different and wildly successful. That’s why we’ve written over 8,000 LinkedIn profiles. We know our stuff! We know how to pull the right information out of our clients. I’ve taken this knowledge to the next step and created  an online application that produces an ai generated LinkedIn profile that provides a nearly human-like output that you can immediately use for maximum effect. 

Why use AI to Create Your LinkedIn Profile?

It’s hard to write about yourself. Many professionals turn to a LinkedIn Profile Writer to help them tell their story on LinkedIn. Thing is, not everyone has the time or can afford to work directly with professional writers who specialist in writing LinkedIn profiles. And that’s the reason why I created, Instant Profile. I want to empower everyone to tell their story and REAP THE REWARDS of having a strong personal brand on LinkedIn. 

Everything You Need to Stand Out on LinkedIn

This isn’t a 3-week program. You get everything immediately, right up front. This means you can quickly jump in and get started where you need the most help. From the top of your profile to the very bottom, we provide you with tips, tricks, ideas, secret hacks, and best of all A.I. “done for you” writing. 

POP to the TOP

Learn how to populate the secret fields that cause your profile to rise in the LinkedIn search algorithm ranking

Fine Tune Settings

Find out the areas in the Privacy and Settings section of LinkedIn you need to turn ON and OFF to make the most of your experience

AI Text Generators

Generate whole sections of your LinkedIn profile with a click of a button. You'll be impressed with what you get! So will others!

Articulate Your Value

Prompts and questions to help you peel back the layers of your experience to unveil your value and differentiation

Invest in Yourself & Level Up

This DIY AI LinkedIn Profile Generator program is a small investment for what could be HUGE RETURNS!
Imagine it: More fulfilling work, bigger salary, higher level of respect... the sky is the limit!

AI-Generated LinkedIn Profile For Every Eye

No matter who you are – from student to established professional – you’ll find this AI tool to make your LinkedIn profile optimized of incredible value! I used the knowledge forged over 15 years to create the AI prompts that will craft the most authentic, strategic, and impressive LinkedIn profile for your needs. The fuel that fuels our AI is what we learned from branding over 8,000 executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals from all over the world. Yes, you can hire my team of LinkedIn Profile Writers for upwards of $1,500 to do this for you OR you can roll up your sleeves and do it yourself (with the power of AI), following our very specific, very successful methodology! This course is perfect for:

What Happens AFTER You Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile?

Better Fit

More qualified opportunities based on your background and expertise

Right People

Collide with the right people, forge a stronger network and deeper relationships

More Opportunities

Promotions, job offers, leads, gigs, investors, partnerships and more will land at your feet!

AI-Generated LinkedIn Profile

Stop trying to write your LinkedIn profile yourself! Click a button and have AI do it for you.
The longer you wait, the longer you delay HUGE RETURNS! More fulfilling work, bigger salary, better prospects... the sky is the limit!

What's Next?

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Don’t take my word for it– check out what other people had to say about my material:

Gabor Kurucz

I really enjoyed Donna's book and reading the LinkedIn profiles she wrote for her clients helped me to improve my own Linkedin profile. I believe this was one of the best investment I have ever made in my business life. With two hours of work, I have already ranked for the keyword on the 2nd and 4th position. (almost out of 200k results) After 2 days I have already got 2 new prospects resulted to the new "upgraded" profile. Donna's advices are brilliant, she is the only resource you will ever need for your LinkedIn success!

Scott P Bennett

I ordered Donna's book, "LinkedIn Makeover: Professional Secrets to a POWERFUL LinkedIn Profile" online and immediately put her advice to use. My profile now showcases my abilities and portrays me in an impressive light. Donna is a LinkedIn genius!

Matthew Newnham

I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your LinkedIn Makeover DIY Kit. You've opened my eyes to significant, invaluable ways to stand out authentically on LinkedIn, and help my clients to do the same. As a fellow branding & marketing consultant, I really salute you for your fantastic product quality, great teaching style and clear, strong, hype-free writing. Oh, and by the way, you have a great broadcasting/speaking voice - sounds more than a bit like Cher. 🙂 Best wishes from Scotland, Matthew Newnham Soul Centred Branding & Marketing for Purpose-Led Businesses.

Valentino Klimasauskas

As a professional life and peak performance coach and experienced finance professional I am always looking to learn from the best to be the best at what I do. Recently I came a across the problem of not having a great looking or at all effective LInkedIn profile nor having a clue of how to create one and what is the difference that makes the difference in creating a WOW factor that captures the desired audience's attention. That was until after some research I came across the fantastic and amazingly simple to implement book "LInkedIn Makeover" by Donna Serdula!!! Within two days for the first time in many years of having the profile there and never reaping the benefits of it I had a 100% completed and great looking profile. My network is growing by the minute even when I sleep and the unlimited possibilities of work and business and opportunities to serve others are now available to me thanks to these cutting edge social media strategies that Donna has compiled in this amazing book!! You must go and buy one right now and make sure that all your friends know about it.Thank you so much! --Valentino Klimasauskas, Sales Ledger Supervisor at St Ives Management Services Ltd (Part of St Ives Group).

Joanna Bremner

I was attracted to Donna's LinkedIn profile and saw that she had written a book that I felt sure would be able to help me improve my own profile. I bought Donna's book 'LinkedIn Makeover' and I used her advice. I cannot recommend Donna and her book enough. I now have an effective LinkedIn profile. I have certainly been getting more connections and networking opportunities since I implemented the things she recommends in her book. So my thanks to Donna for that. I think the most effective thing that I still need to do is submit a video such as the one Donna has on her profile. This is still on my 'to do' list! I have now joined Donna's Group 'Profile Makeover: Optimization Secrets on LinkedIn' where I continue to network with Donna and others who are interested in making LinkedIn work well for them. Thank you Donna for your expertise and advice. Your contribution in helping me has been invaluable. This is the best piece of work I have undertaken online in a very long time.

Frequently Asked Questions

This AI LinkedIn profile maker walks you through creating an optimized LinkedIn profile. In the early days of this course (it’s been around for about a decade in various forms), I explained how to write the different sections of your LinkedIn profile in an impressive and optimized manner.

The problem is it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do (or how good my instructions are)… it is hard to write about yourself

Rather than only explain how to write the profile, I developed and embedded AI-powered apps that automate the writing of certain sections of your LinkedIn profile. 

The app asks for your input and turns it into a professionally written narrative that you can proudly upload to your LinkedIn profile. 

I have spent a massive amount of time engineering AI prompts based on everything I have learned about LinkedIn and the LinkedIn profile since I started writing LinkedIn profiles in 2009. 

These prompts are imbued with the knowledge of writing over 8,000 LinkedIn profiles. 

Look, I am not going to tell you that the output is going to be 100% perfect 100% of the time but it will get you far closer than you would have gotten yourself. The output is designed to give you that foundation you can then build upon and tweak. 

Because AI is a huge part of the program, I can’t just give you forever access. I also want to use that sense of urgency to challenge you to get your profile finished and uploaded. 

The course is designed to produce your profile QUICKLY! You should have no trouble working within the 10 day time limit. 

I will refund 100% of your money if you are unhappy with the material as long as you notify me via email within 6 hours of placing your order. Each login and download of information conveys to me that you are using the material and finding value in it. There are no refunds after 6 hours of placing your order.

It's Hard to Write About Yourself

An AI-Generated LinkedIn Profile utilizing our know-how produces an authentic, nearly human-written LinkedIn profile. Stop waiting to tell your story, make it happen now... instantaneously!

Just $49.00

Hey, I noticed you are at the bottom of the landing page and still reading!  Are you not yet convinced this course is beyond awesome and totally worth it? I get it, there’s a lot of poorly created courses out there that cost so much more than this course! How can you be sure that this course is worth your time and investment? 

Maybe, it’s not this course that you are worried about but you are scared to get out of your comfort zone?  

It’s easy to stay in your lane.  Change is difficult. Growth is hard. But one thing is far worse… doing nothing.  

Listen to me, these are road blocks that we put up to prevent us from moving forward toward our dreams. You have a choice to make. Do you want to stay where you are or do you want to take a step to a better future for yourself? 

The time is right now…. do it! 


LinkedIn Profile Writing

Would you prefer to have a professional, high-level human being write your LinkedIn profile for you?
Check out our LinkedIn Profile Writing Services!