Design Your Own LinkedIn Profile Photo Frame

Create a different LinkedIn Profile Banner not Opentowork
Create a different OPENTOWORK Banner

LinkedIn provides two official photo frames natively within their site:

  • Open to Work
  • Hiring

#OpenToWork is for those people who are looking for their next job opportunity. Sharing that you are #OpenToWork is difficult for some people, and it’s important to understand the pros and cons of announcing it.  #Hiring is for those looking to add people to their teams.

Both photo frames are great options but rather limiting, especially if you offer services or want to spotlight your brand message

What if you want a photo frame, but neither of these options works for you? 

I’ve got an answer! 

You can create your own custom photo frame easily and add whatever wording you want. The sky’s the limit, all you need is a graphic design program.

Keep reading to learn how to create a custom photo frame for your LinkedIn profile photo using two different image applications: Canva and PowerPoint. is a free online application specifically for graphic design. PowerPoint is an application most people have on their computer and although it’s not usually thought of as an image editor, it works beautifully as one. Here are instructions for using Canva and PowerPoint to create a photo frame for your LinkedIn profile picture.

Create a LinkedIn Profile Photo Frame in Canva

Canva is a graphic design platform that provides a slew of image editing options that make creating images and documents a cinch. Rather than give you step-by-step instructions on how to use Canva, I created pages of templates. All you need to do is drop in your headshot and VOILA a gorgeous photo frame!

Create a LinkedIn Profile Photo Frame in PowerPoint

Most people think of PowerPoint just for presentation slide design but it actually offers image editing and animation tools, too. I know a PowerPoint expert, Michael Rielly, and as a favor to me, he created a bunch of LinkedIn photo frame templates in PowerPoint that you can download and use for yourself.

If you use one of Michael’s templates, consider learning more about and potentially donating to his nonprofit, The James D. Rielly Foundation, Inc. Their mission is to support the children and families of the military and first responders hindered by economic status, physical or mental challenges.

LinkedIn Profile Photo Frame PowerPoint Instructions

In case you want to do it yourself and not rely on a template, below you will find step by step instructions on how to create a photo frame yourself in PowerPoint.

Time needed: 15 minutes.

Create a Photo Frame for your LinkedIn Profile Photo in PowerPoint

  1. Open Powerpoint and create a new blank presentation

    Make sure the slide is blank without any text boxes.

  2. Insert a photo, selecting your headshot/profile photo

    Make sure you use a professional image, well-lit, of you looking directly into the camera, smiling

  3. Insert a shape and choose an oval

    Hold your shift key down to make sure the oval is a perfect circle.

  4. Right mouse on the circle and choose Format Shape. Select No fill for the Fill.

    This will make sure that it’s just an outline of the circle

  5. Within the Format Shape side bar, click Line and increase the width.

    I am using a width of 40 pixels.

  6. Select the color for the circle.

    Think in terms of your brand colors. If you don’t want a full circle skip to the next step.

  7. If you want a partial circle like LinkedIn’s #Opentowork photo frame, select Gradient line

    Delete all but two gradient stops. One should be the color of the circle, the other gradient stop should be 100% transparent. Increase/decrease the angle to get it to the position you want.
    Creating a Photo Frame for your LinkedIn Profile Picture in PowerPoint

  8.  To add curved text, go to Insert > WordArt, and pick the WordArt style you want. 
  9. Replace the WordArt placeholder text with your own text and select it.
  10. Go to Shape Format or Drawing Tools Format, select Text Effects > Transform and pick the look you want.
  11. To save your image, select all (ctrl-a or cmd-a) and right mouse click, choose Save as Picture.
  12. Save the image as either a PNG or JPG.
  13. Go to and upload the image as your profile picture.
  14. You may need to zoom and position your photo so it fits right.
    Uploading a profile picture to your LinkedIn profile
  15. Your LinkedIn profile picture now contains a photo frame that brands you!

Congrats! I am sure it looks amazing!

Open to Work Option…

Please note, if you want to use a custom photo and you are marked as “open to work,” you must select “Share with recruiters only” in the Edit job preferences settingsBy sharing your status with all LinkedIn members, the photo frame that you worked so hard to create, will be hidden.

Open to Work Share with recruiters only

If you want to share your open to work status with all LinkedIn members, you are best not using a custom photo frame.

I hope you enjoyed this blog article. Check out more free resources all about LinkedIn and branding here.

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I LOVE LinkedIn! But I am not endorsed by or affiliated with LinkedIn in any way whatsoever.

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LinkedIn Makeover is simply a description of a service I provide. My company is called Vision Board Media.